Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Choose CrazY

When I couldn't see my grandchildren during Covid we did Facebook messaging and my grandkids, especially the younger ones, discovered filters which were more fun than actually talking, which it was very entertaining and gave them something to do. I did this for the lasting Memories challenge I chose Option 2. August 22nd - LM #562 - Team B - Sequence - This week I am giving you 3 options for your challenge: Option #1 - Create a layout with a grid background - Option #2 - Line up your photos in a row across your layout - this can be vertically, horizontally, or on the diagonal. Option #3 - Show us a sequence of events in your photos - or now and then photos, or before and after photos. Be sure to let us know which option you went with this week - Option 1, 2, or 3

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Very cute and great work using that Pinkfresh line!! I haven't dug into mine yet. Thanks so much for your entry at Lasting Memories! :)